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Natural Connections

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Arts Award with Romsey Mill Young Parents Programme.

How can museum collections provide access to nature and creative inspiration? This display shares some of the creative outcomes of a ten week project which saw participants from local charity Romsey Mill’s young parents programme working with artist Kaitlin Fergusson in response to collections at the Fitzwilliam Museum, the Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences, and the University Museum of Zoology.

Working in a variety of media including drawing, ceramics and print-making, the group made work inspired by their experiences of handling rocks and fossils, listening to British birdsong recordings surrounded by taxidermy specimens, and exploring Magdalene Odundo’s organic vessel shapes. They shared their ideas about what nature means to them, and enjoyed the time and space to develop their own art skills and creativity.

Through the project, supported by Cambridge City Council Community Grants, the participants all achieved a Bronze Arts Award. With thanks to everyone who supported the project at Romsey Mill and across the University of Cambridge Museums.

Image: Ophioderma by Mollie Sims, 2022.

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