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New Podcast Series: In My Mind's Eye

In My Mind’s Eye is a new podcast series, which grew out of our national lockdown earlier in 2020. We invited 5 artists and writers, who had previously worked with us at the Fitzwilliam Museum, to think about what happens when we can no longer access artworks directly. How do these art works continue to exist, in our memories and imaginations? How do they influence the art we ourselves might make?

Ali Smith, Halima Cassell, Issam Kourbaj, Jackie Kay and Matt Smith took up the challenge and shared with us the artworks that they carried with them from The Fitz in their mind’s eye. In each podcast we learn about different experiences of lockdown in recordings which had to be done remotely to comply with Covid-19 regulations. We gain insight into creativity in isolation as we learn about the ideas and process behind their creative responses to the remembered artworks, which were the starting point for inspiration.

Podcast schedule:

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The series was produced and presented by Carmen Pryce, with audio production by Nick Harris and was made possible by the support of the Belvedere Trust.

The podcast will be available via all podcast aggregators over the next few weeks. You can listen to it directly from the beta page or from our host page at “In My Mind's Eye: the museum explored”.

27 October 2020

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