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From limelight to Twilight...

Yesterday, the Fitzwilliam’s galleries played host to a major live broadcast and an evening of twilight exploration. The newly-refurbished Greek and Roman gallery was the home of a live broadcast from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire to celebrate A History of the World - the unique collaboration between the BBC and many museums around the country. The afternoon saw presenter Sue Dougan chat to Museum curators and conservators live on air about some of the fascinating stories behind the Fitzwilliam’s vast collection. You can listen again to the broadcast here.

Many intriguing objects were also brought to the BBC’s stall in the Courtyard, where members of the public could bring their own objects of historic value for adding to A History of the World’s online archive. Members of the public also brought their own objects of historic value to the BBC’s stall in the Courtyard, for adding to A History of the World’s online archive - an event which unearthed several intriguing stories about Cambridge’s past.

The entertainment continued into the evening with the Twilight at the Museums - an after-hours opening giving families the chance to wander the Fitzwilliam’s Greek, Roman and Egyptian galleries by torchlight. The Fitzwilliam is one of seven University Museums - as well as the University Botanic Garden - that took part in Twilight celebrations, and this hugely popular event attracted nearly 1,300 visitors of all ages to the Museum - even more than last year’s Twilight event.

18 February 2010

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